Professional Development Courses
- Developing Conceptual Fluency Problem Solving with Addition, Subtraction and Place Value
- Early Childhood Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten: Developing Early Number Sense
- Intermediate and Middle School: Fluency, Place Value, Multiplication & Division
Scroll down overviews and goals for each course.
Please contact us for more information.
Developing Conceptual Fluency: Problem-Solving with Addition, Subtraction & Place Value
4 Day Course
Aligned to the Common Core with a focus on the K-3 mathematics fluency, problem-solving, and place value standards.
Appropriate for teachers in grades K-3, elementary math and technology coaches, RTI and special education teachers providing intervention in grades 3-6.
Course Goals
Participants will:
- investigate the various problem types outlined in the Common Core Math Standards.
- develop instructional techniques and normed procedures which develop conceptual fluency and problem-solving.
- learn how to leverage digital technology to engage students in problem solving and fluency.
- learn how to use game-based activities to facilitate students’ discou
rse and application of mathematical knowledge. - develop instructional techniques to bridge early fluency skills to support conceptual understanding of place value through purposeful mathematical discussions.
- design instruction that incorporates various models and procedures which develop conceptual place value with 2-digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction.
- utilize electronic assessments designed to monitor progress of fluency, problem solving, and place value standards according to the CCSSM.
- become familiar with the appropriate teaching trajectory involving electronic instruction and game-based activities based on the results from the assessments.
Early Childhood Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten: Developing Early Number Sense
2 Day Course
Aligned to the Common Core and state standards with a focus on the Pre-K and K fluency and early counting, including 1-1 correspondence, verbal counting and numeral recognition.
Appropriate for teachers in grades Pre-K – K, elementary math and technology coaches, RTI and special education teachers providing intervention in grades 1 – 2.
Course Goals
Participants will:
- learn how to develop early counting strategies including 1-1 correspondence as well as verbal counting.
- learn to use various materials to teach fluency to 5.
- learn instructional techniques and procedures which develop conceptual fluency.
- learn how to leverage digital technology to engage students in development of early number.
- learn how to use game-based activities to promote mathematical discussions and develop a strong sense of imagery through a variety of representations to 5.
Intermediate and Middle School: Fluency, Place Value, Multiplication & Division
2 Day Course
Aligned to the Common Core and state standards with a focus on fluency, place value, multiplication and division.
Appropriate for teachers in grades 3-8, elementary and middle school math and technology coaches, RTI and special education teachers providing intervention in middle and high school.
Course Goals
Participants will:
- learn instructional techniques incorporating various models and procedures which develop conceptual fluency with addition and subtraction.
- learn game-based activities that develop a strong sense of imagery through a variety of representations to 20.
- learn to bridge early fluency skills to support conceptual understanding of place value.
- learn to implement instructional techniques incorporating various models and procedures which develop conceptual place value with 2- digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction.
- learn how to help students develop conceptual multiplicative understanding.
- learn a variety of activities that develop a strong sense of imagery in multiplication and division.